CSA Week #10

Today’s CSA share was probably the heaviest one we’ve had so far. Josh was picking up the car from NJ (we’re dog-sitting the next two days) and I really struggled to carry our vegetables and fruits the few blocks home. According to the farm report we got, the heat wave has caused all of the melons to ripen two weeks early. We had a choice of melons this week, including the Asian variety we got last week, and I picked up one that looked like a small honeydew. For the greens, the email said we had a choice between kale and chard, but I think I picked up collard greens. I saw the kale but didn’t see anything resembling the swiss chard we got a few weeks back.

This week our vegetable share contents included:

Cucumber – 3 lbs
Squash – 2 lbs
GreensĀ  – 1/2 lb
Melons – 1 each
Tomatoes – 3 lbs
Basil – 1/2 lb
Corn – 3 each

Squash, basil, melon, tomatoes, collards, corn, cucumbers

I was thrilled to see basil again, and half a pound is a ridiculous amount. Seriously, I have like an entire basil bush right now, just waiting to be turned into pesto. I don’t want to make the same mistake as last time, letting the basil blacken prematurely, so I want to use it up right away.

I have to be honest that I was not happy with the fruit share this week. I liked the kinds of fruit that we got, but the quality was pretty bad. I noticed the same thing with the tomatoes – most of them were super soft and had split open.

Our fruit share this week included:

Donut Peaches – 1 quart
Plums – 1 lb
Apricots or Peaches – 1 lb

Donute peaches, plums, apricots, peaches

I was super excited to see donut peaches, little peaches that look like they’ve been flattened. But when I dug into the quart container, the peaches at the bottom were brown and moldy. I tried cutting off the mold and brown bits, but four of them were totally inedible. Sad.

Moldy and gross

A few of the plums had also split open, but I just washed them off and ate them right away. They were sweet and tasty, but I was pretty disappointed with the state of the fruit. Hopefully it was just because the weather has caused everything to ripen too quickly, and that this won’t happen in later weeks. We still have a hefty bounty left but I hate seeing food go to waste.

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