Happy Anniversary!

I can’t believe it’s been three years since our wedding, and two years since we started Two Fat Bellies. This last year has seen a few ups and downs, and I know I’ve fallen off in post writing lately. We’ve had a bit more exposure recently though, which is exciting for us, and we hope that people keep the comments coming. We’re still working on some new developments for TFB, which will hopefully encourage us to be more active in our blogging.

With regard to our lifestyle changes, it’s been almost four months and we’ve become quite the gym rats. I’m sad to say that I have not lost ANY weight, surprisingly, but my clothes fit better and I feel better. Our trainer thinks that it has to do with our diet, which is to say, that we’re not dieting. And I’m ok with that. We still love food and eating is always an experience for us, so we’re not willing to sacrifice that aspect of our lives. However, we have been trying to moderate ourselves when possible, and I’m confident that we can continue down this path.

As for our anniversary celebration, we enjoyed a truly lovely meal at Gramercy Tavern, a restaurant that has been on our list for quite some time. The service, as expected of any Danny Meyer restaurant, was fabulous. The food was also pretty spectacular, and we walked out stuffed and extremely happy. The desserts were a surprise hit for us. Maybe it’s time for me to start saying that we’re dessert people now? Nevertheless, I promise to write about this meal, unlike last year’s anniversary at Eleven Madison Park (I do plan on posting those pics regardless).

We look forward to another year of great eating and exciting travel. Thanks to all of you for your support and readership!



One Response to “Happy Anniversary!”

  1. Claire says:

    Yay! Happy Anniversary you guys!