Update – Lifestyle Changes for TFB

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. We’ve been pretty busy, and most significantly, we’ve recently joined a gym. It’s time for our two fat bellies to become a little bit smaller, and joining the gym was a big step for us. We’ve been playing racquetball every day and doing some lifting on the side. Nothing too hard core, but it’s time that we became more active.

We’re also cutting back on our food consumption. I’d hesitate to use the word diet, since this isn’t one. You’ll still find us eating the things we love, including our usual junk food indulgences. This is more about eating a bit smarter, a little bit less, taking into account portion control, and not wasting calories on things that really don’t interest or excite us.

Since we joined the gym, we have also been cooking every day during the week. The problem is that now we eat dinner really late (usually around 9:30 pm), and I don’t have time to blog. It will take a while for us to find our groove but I’m really excited about this lifestyle change that we’re embarking on. The impact on the blog, aside from a lag in posts, should be minimal. We just need to figure out a good balance between work, working out, cooking, and blogging, and hopefully things will get back normal. But first and foremost, we’re still lovers of food and will continue to enjoy eating and writing about our adventures.

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